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Auf Wiedersehen, Good bye, Adiós! Meine derzeitige Forschungsarbeit an Seehasen hat mich wieder nach Deutschland geführt. Ich bedanke mich bei allen Exkursionsteilnehmern und Besuchern für Ihr Vertrauen. Currently I am continuing my research project on Sea Hares in Germany. Thanks to all excursion participants and visitors. Estoy de vuelta en Alemaña para continuar mi proyecto de investigación sobre la liebre de mar. Gracias a todos participantes de excursiones y visitantes.
The person and the World Ocean. Вторник, 20 января 2009 г. Уважаемые дамы и господа! В попытках исследовать природу МО сказывается.
Inside or outside waters, keeping the vessel safe during STS operations or transits. Security coverage trough 12 countries in west africa coasts. Starting from Senegal, Guinea, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Angola. Supplier of fully qualified teams both Multi or Uni-national. Providing fully experienced security team with more than 5 yearsof maritime armed protection in Indian ocean and Gulf of Guinea.
Entrar a OceanNet, Consultoría y Sistemas Ambientales.
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